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Is Paprika a good recipe app?

With its most recent major update, Paprika Recipe Manager 3, many regard Paprika to be the best recipe app available. As the name implies, Paprika Recipe Manager 3 is a recipe keeper that’s among the best in its class. Not only does it act as a recipe organizer, but it also has tools that actively helps you while cooking.

What is Paprika & how does it work?

That’s how it is with me and Paprika, the recipe organizing app I first reviewed in 2013. If you’ve never heard of Paprika, you can check out my full review for a rundown of the features, but basically, it is an app that helps you save and organize recipes, use them to plan weekly menus, and create shopping lists based on those menus.

Can you use paprika on a Kindle?

It was originally only available for the iPhone, iPad, and Mac, but they have since developed versions for Windows, Android, Kindle Fire, and Nook Color, so if you have a newfangled device of some kind, you can probably use Paprika. Read the Review: Paprika: The Recipe Organizer App I’ve Been Looking For

How much does paprika recipe manager cost?

Originally published January 2013. Item: Paprika Recipe Manager Price: $4.99 – $19.99 Overall Impression: A simple-to-use, attractive and intuitive app for storing recipes you find both online and off.

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